Focus Group and Environmental Award of Josef Vavroušek ENVIROS in the cooperation with Partnership Foundation - Enviros

On Tuesday 10 September in our premises ENVIROS company hosted „Focus Group“ for Josef Vavrousek Award,  leaded by Partnership Foundation. As every year, our company supports the Partnership Foundation for J. Vavrousek Award. The award is given for some special environmental act or for a lifelong contribution in environmental saving activities. In this year, the Award has been followed by this informal meeting for patrons, focused companies and interest groups to discuss next activities of Partnership Foundation and their supporters. ENVIROS as the Partnership Foundation Patron and the Host of this event has been supporting and promoting broad scale of environmental activities for a long time and has been involving more people – the experts and/or also the regular public into environmentally beneficial activities. We look forward to next year of Josef Vavrousek Award.

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