EUCF Planning took place in Prague - Enviros
In corporation with Adelphi, the preparatory meeting of EUCF Planning took place in Prague, 10/09/2019. It was organized by the project partner ENVIROS to conclude the operational methodologies and work flows that will ensure smooth, agile and error-free EUCF operation.
ENVIROS group is a member of Core Management Team of European City Facility (EUCF) developed by European Commission under Horizon 2020 programme. EUCF within the framework of Project Development Assistance (PDA) run all over Europe to support cities and municipalities in developing low-carbon projects by providing grants for technical, financial and legal assistance.
EUCF aims to provide hands-on technical and financial support to European cities and municipalities to develop concrete investment concepts in order to mobilize finance for city-level climate change actions. This will be delivered by overcoming the lack of capacities and skills of public authorities, especially in small and medium-sized municipalities to prepare credible investment concept as well as insufficient skills and knowledge in dealing with private investors and financiers. The Facility supports European cities to deliver at least 225 credible and scalable investment concepts (IC) focused on energy efficiency and renewable energy which should trigger more than EUR 320 M of low-carbon investments through private and public financial sources. EUCF builds the capacity of at least 450 among city officials and municipal governments’ staff to develop substantial project pipelines and provides them with tools, networking and knowledge transfer opportunities which not only facilitate and accelerate the IC implementation via innovative financing mechanisms and project aggregation but also could use this experience to catalyse further action in other cities.
ENVIROS experts provide Technical and Financial supports as a Country Expert to the cities and municipalities of Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Bulgaria.
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