ENVIROS participates in FIRECE project - Enviros

The overall project aim is to improve capacities of the public sector and related entities to plan territorially based low-carbon strategies in the frame of Regional Energy Plans, supporting the low-carbon energy transition of traditional industrial sector to meet the regional energy saving targets defined according to EU and national legislation.

The project is implemented by partners from seven EU countries: Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Germany and Italy.

The project objectives will be achieved by supporting regional authorities, energy agencies and regional financial agencies to elaborate and implement innovative financial instruments particularly addressed to provide energy savings investments and project plans elaborated by SMEs. In parallel, an assessment procedure will check the quality of the investments and projects elaborated by SMEs to optimize resources and reach the targets.

FIRECE project links to the specific objective because it will support public sector to plan and manage instruments able to achieve saving targets. The implementation of innovative financial instruments and the assessment of the projects submitted by SMEs for energy savings will contribute to achieve the indicators contained in the Regional Energy Plans. Finally, FIRECE contributes to the achievements of the energy saving targets planned at worldwide and EU level.

Main expected results

FIRECE project aims to contribute to the implementation of the Regional Energy Plans and contribute to achieve the targets (in terms of energy savings and RES) planned at EU and national level. Actually, Germany, Italy, Poland and Croatia are not reaching the targets planned and the lack of investments by the industry play a significant role in this regard.

Thanks to FIRECE project, the authorities in charge to manage energy plans will be able to design, plan and manage financial instruments to support the low carbon energy transition by the industrial sectors particularly. On the other side, enterprises will be assisted to apply to the innovative financial instruments with assessed investment plans.

With the innovative financial instruments, eight Central Europe regions will improve their capacity to meet energy savings and RES targets according to their Regional Energy Plans and will increase the attitude of the industry to invest on Energy. FIRECE finally will contribute to reach the targeted % of savings and reduction of fossil fuels by industry.

With the pilot related to the development of the feasibility studies for financial instruments the real contribution (in terms of % to the targets) will be duly quantified. The same will be for the SMEs: the assessment procedure applies to evaluate the projects that require public resources will check their alignment with the targets required. The pilot will permit to define the % of contribution to the regional targets in terms of energy savings.

Project is financed from Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE programme and lasts from 01/07/2017 to 30/06/2020.

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