Mezinárodní instituce

International Institutions

Here you can find services we offer to international financial institutions and development organizations such as EBRD, EIB, World bank, UNDP.

International projects

ENVIROS is a leading consulting company providing assistance mainly in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental issues in the Czech Republic, Central and Eastern Europe.

Credit lines EBRD

Are you investing in energy savings, CO2 emissions reduction or renewable energy sources and are you looking for funding, consultancy or technical assistance?Are you certain that in countries where you invest your project is in line with the European Directive...

Credit lines in Czech republic

Are you aware that you can use other sources for financing  your energy efficiency projects than the EU structural funds or commercial credit?


Are you a municipality, town or region and you need to solve your waste management or environmental problems? Are you a producer and would you like to save more energy and materials or utilise your waste? Are you a consumer...

Our experience


Projects for EUR 250 M from EBRD credit line were prepared for EE and RES financing in Slovakia.


We prepard projects for more than USD 30 M to be financed in Belarus.


We collaborate with more than 15 banks on EE and RES constrution financing.


Customer: European Investment Bank

D1 highway in Slovakia

One of the most important foreign projects was a complex environmental impact assessment documentation for several stretches of the new D1 motorway in Slovakia. The assessment was drawn up …

Customer: European Commission


 The international project PRESOURCE was aimed at improving resource efficiency (energy, water, raw materials and materials) in small and medium-sized enterprises in Central Europe. Under this project, a prevention…