Customer: Evropská komise
CEESEU (Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Union) is an international project, part of the CEESEN initiative, which is being implemented to strengthen the capacities of public administrations…
Here you will find information about our selected reference services covering the whole range of our activities.
Customer: Evropská komise
CEESEU (Central and Eastern European Sustainable Energy Union) is an international project, part of the CEESEN initiative, which is being implemented to strengthen the capacities of public administrations…
ENVIROS was involved in an international educational project EduZWaCE – Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy, funded by the European Erasmus+ Programme. Experts from 9 European countries (Austria,…
Customer: Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, akciová společnost Lafarge Cement, a.s. Synthesia, a.s. Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s. Pivovary Lobkowicz, a.s. Biocel Paskov a.s. KAVALIERGLASS, a.s. Seco GROUP a.s. Honeywell spol. s r.o. LEGO Production s.r.o. Coca-Cola Česká Republika, s.r.o. ŽPSV, a.s.
On the basis of regulatory framework requirements (Act on Energy Management) and responsible attitude of the clients (preparation for grant application), our energy specialists carried out more then 150…
Customer: ČEZ teplárenská, Lafarge Cement, nemocnice, školy, školky, úřady
The projects providing grant funds from the Operational Programme Environment combine the collaboration with private and state sectors. The projects we were involved in, include both large energy source…