FIRECE Project: Development of the tools and the methodology & start of the pilot activities - Enviros

One of the FIRECE project activities is the development of a tool to assess public investments to support industry’s low carbon transition – a user friendly instrument available in English language.


Due to the complexity of the different forms of financing and support, two tools (Programme and Project level tools) have been developed in the frame of this activity. The Programme level tool is a tool that evaluates the allocation of finances allocated by the program (public) operators to individual types of energy saving projects. The Project level tool is a tool developed to evaluate a specific project and its economic efficiency. Both tools were presented and discussed at a local level, and based on the stakeholders’ feedbacks, a methodology on how to use and implement the tools have been developed. The methodology will serve to support the further testing phase of the project.


Pilot Action 1 is focused on the implementation of innovative financial instruments (IFIs) addressing the Public Authorities in Central Europe. The Pilot Action includes the finalization of the ex-ante assessment analysis and following feasibility studies for the implementation of IFIs in the next ERDF Programming Period. Its realization will be provided in 7 regions, in particular in Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy (Emilia Romagna), Hungary, and Poland (Lubelskie).


Pilot Action 2 is focused on testing the effectiveness of the tools and the methodology developed within previous project activities. The Pilot Action will consist of assistance provided both to Public Authorities and Entrepreneurs to assess the investments planned/done to meet energy savings targets and optimize public resources addressed to industry low carbon transition. This Pilot Action will be implemented in the project partner’s regions of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy (Veneto), and Poland (Lower Silesia).


Project is financed from Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme and lasts from 01/07/2017 to 30/06/2020.

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