Energy audit - Enviros
Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, akciová společnost Lafarge Cement, a.s. Synthesia, a.s. Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s. Pivovary Lobkowicz, a.s. Biocel Paskov a.s. KAVALIERGLASS, a.s. Seco GROUP a.s. Honeywell spol. s r.o. LEGO Production s.r.o. Coca-Cola Česká Republika, s.r.o. ŽPSV, a.s.
On the basis of regulatory framework requirements (Act on Energy Management) and responsible attitude of the clients (preparation for grant application), our energy specialists carried out more then 150 energy audits in 2015-2016. It was a wide range of energy management involving both stand-alone buildings and large industrial complexes. The energy audits were performed by energy specialists of our company which, particularly in case of a wide variety of industrial plants and operations, shows the professionalism and the strong base of our energy specialists trained on a regular basis. In selected cases, also non-destructive measurement techniques (electricit, liquid and gas flows, thermal imaging, etc.) were used which alowed to quantify the benefits of designed measures more objectively. Our satisfied clients involve e.g.:
Public Transit Company Prague a.s.
Lafarge Cement, a.s.
Synthesia, a.s.
Elektrárny Opatovice, a.s.
Pivovary Lobkowicz, a.s.
Biocel Paskov a.s.
Seco GROUP a.s.
Honeywell spol. s r.o.
LEGO Production s.r.o.
Coca-Cola Česká Republika, s.r.o.
ŽPSV, a.s.
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