ŠKO-ENERGO - Enviros
Our first business contacts with the representatives of ENVIROS date back to 2000 when we cooperated with the company on the pilot project of launching the Monitoring & Targeting method in metallurgical plants and workshops at ŠKODA AUTO a.s. Mladá Boleslav. It was basically the first ‘swallow’ on our way to more efficient energy utilization for the production of cars and components. A lot of principles were really new to us, and I have to say that we apply them even now when it comes to energy savings. At present, we are cooperating with ENVIROS in two areas. The first of them comprises services and consultancy in the field of energy savings, and the other one deals with consultancy on project management and financing them from structural funds. While we were concerned solely with energy savings in the past – be it in the form of energy audits or M&T application, our current cooperation deals with the possibilities of subsidies for industrial companies.From the pint of view of time demands, the biggest task was performing energy audits for all ŠKODA AUTO a.s. plants back in 2004, but I would say that the project of building combined production of heat and electricity at the Kvasiny plant was more important. The cooperation included the administration of the co-financing procedure from the OPEI – Eco-energy programme. The proof of the project’s importance can be given by the amount of investment which exceeded CZK 70 mil., and also the fact that EVNIROS help us to obtain a subsidy in the maximum possible amount of 30%. Moreover, this project was awarded the prize of the Entrepreneurial Project of the Year in 2012 in the Eco-energy subcategory. ENVIROS’s experts are the ones to thank for helping us to achieve this success as without their help we would be probably not really able to fulfil all administration conditions by the subsidy providers. The cooperation on this project provided a clear proof that a common investor is almost unable to go through the whole procedure from preliminary application to getting the subsidy without the help of competent experts – this is where I can see the biggest benefit of the cooperation with ENVIROS.
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