ENVIROS is your adviser in building assessment services including two of the world's leading sustainability assessment certification schemes - BREEAM & LEED.

About this service

BREEAM & LEED are sustainable building rating systems that consist of multiple evaluation criteria in the areas of energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, health and wellbeing, site management, pollution, waste management, water and others.

BREEAM – Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method

  • British-based
  • established in 1990

LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

  • U.S.-based
  • established in 2000

If you are an owner or a tenant of a building, you might have many reasons for seeking certification. The most compelling one is definitely a financial advantage over competitors. Why?

1. Greater attractiveness of your building for tenants

  • Tenants will save on energy and other operating and maintenance costs
  • Tenants have a healthy and comfortable working environment for their employees
  • Those who have a social responsibility policy will give your building priority
  • The global market today assesses companies according to where and how they live and work

2. You can charge higher rental rates

  • The tenant pays for high quality premises with lower operating costs

3. Return on your investment

  • The certified building has a lifecycle with lower costs in comparison to a non-certified building
  • Savings during the lifecycle of a building can be up to 20% of the construction costs
  • The selling price of the property is increased by up to 10%
  • The initial investment into sustainable features is in the range of 2-8% of construction costs

4. Reduce risk and increase revenue assurance

  • Future lawsuits related to the indoor environmental quality may be prevented if sustainability of a building is verified by a recognised third party
  • Certified buildings are easier to rent out or sell than non-certified buildings

5. Recognition or commitment to sustainability is a valuable promotional tool

  • Certification shows your commitment to environmental sustainability to your community, stakeholders and company

6. Legitimacy

  • Certification provides a guarantee of the green features that you have implemented in your project

Which certification system should you go for?

This depends on many factors. Fundamentally, the two schemes share common elements. The main difference lies in the certification process. While BREEAM requires the engagement of a Licensed Assessor, LEED can be achieved with no LEED-specific qualified expert involved, but this can be difficult. BREEAM is also more rigorous when it comes to the evidence required. Most important are the location of the project and the corporate structure of the investors, anticipated tenants and other stakeholders. LEED is usually preferred by US companies and BREEAM by European companies.

This service includes

  • We will advise you on the best system for your project. The Prague ENVIROS office can offer licensed BREEAM International & BREEAM In-Use Assessors, who also have expertise and experience with LEED.
  • Our experts were involved in the certification of a LEED Core & Shell Platinum rated building, and several LEED Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance Gold rated buildings in Prague.
  • In Addition our BREEAM experiences come from both New Construction projects as well In-Use projects. We closely cooperate with our affiliate office in Manchester, UK that has a first-rate BREEAM team with extensive experience across Europe. Currently, we are assessing a BREEAM New Construction Very Good project of a railway station in Northampton, UK.

Zaujímavé čísla


2 most widely used certification systems


the first Czech LEED certification


years of BREEAM system history


Professional Membership

  • BCC - British chamber of commerce

    British Chamber of Commerce

  • Czech Chamber of Commerce

  • Platforma podnikatelů pro zahraniční rozvojovou spolupráci

    Business Platform for Development Cooperation


    Czech Green Building Council

  • Association of Energy Service Companies


    Association for Foreign Investment

Kontaktujte nás

Jan Pavlík

Division director

E: jan.pavlik@enviros.cz

T: 602 502 462